Dental Caries

APJ ERIC conducts studies in dental caries, fluorosis, erosion, and related dental diseases aiming to improve understanding of the increasingly important problem of dental erosion and the associated tooth wear process. We also monitor the changing pattern of caries in different populations, explore improved methods of diagnosis, or evaluate methods of prevention or treatment. Our studies use genetic methods to identify human genes or mutations associated with caries prevalence are welcome as are manuscripts using modern high-throughput sequencing methods to characterize microbial biofilms associated with oral health and active caries.

Oral Cancer

Research on oral cancer is being done at APJ ERIC with researchers trying to find out more about what causes these diseases, how to prevent them, and how to better treat them. We are studying to learn about the DNA changes that cause the cells in the oral cavity and oropharynx to become cancer.


Periodontitis is marked by changes in oral bacteria, inflamed bleeding gums, painful chewing, and even loss of teeth and surrounding bone. While treatments may help keep periodontitis from getting worse, there’s no cure. Research is on to slow down periodontal infection, promote bone and tissue regeneration.

Our primary goals include:

Goal 1: To advance the knowledge and understanding of oral health and diseases through application of new technology in deciphering the underlying processes of health and diseases.

Goal 2: To develop new improved approaches and perspective of methods for preventing, diagnosing, treating and eventually eliminating oral, dental and craniofacial diseases and disorders.

Goal 3: To ensure an adequate and well-trained workforce that reflects the current and emerging needs of science and includes sufficient numbers of dental professionals.

Goal 4: To enhance the translation of research outcomes into clinical practice and communicate science-based health information to ensure that APJ ERIC- supported research leads to improved health along with effective utilization of mass communication.

Goal 5: To overcome health disparities prevalent in the country due to differences in socio-cultural practices, beliefs, religious dogmas, etc.

Goal 6: To ensure the adequacy of systems to document and monitor the extent and impact of oral, dental and craniofacial diseases, disorders and conditions.